Nintendo DS

Haven't updated in way too long. I'm doing good in school, enough to qualify for the honour roll.
'Saved!' (with Mandy Moore) is a good movie. I'm serious, so see it. Thoughts: If a movie makes you think, then it's a good movie. It doesn't have to make you happy, it doesn't have to make you sad, it just has to give you a perception that captures your train of thought. Whether you found this movie to actually be a behind-the-scenes effort to demean the Christian faith, or not, it's really irrelevant, because the reality was, the only critisism given was to the hypocrites that use faith as an excuse to oppress and give stark revenge. The protagonists were all pridefully Christian in the end, so why would anyone assume it's trying to demean an entire religion?
This is an e-mail I got from my friend, who is inviting me to his birthday.
Hello gentle folk of canada, You know how to count to 6 yes.. Im the finger
man, yes, the finger man,....... now november the 6th a b-day, a saturday,
if you have work miss it, weekend school skip it. , ohhh yes you better
believe it..... of course my party is on november 6th, but my real
birhtday... well, due to protection of my own saftey i will not be
revealing, of course un less you bribe me handsomely. Anywhom, there shall
be pizza... PIZZA YOU HEAR. we shall also be watching a mooooooooovie, yes a
mooooooovie. that mooooovie shall be office space.... oooooooooohhhh yes
office space. Along with the moovie, we might also film, the grand finally
of my moovie. ohhhhhhhh yea so remember
lmao. and here's another short joke.
You Have Two Cows
* Canadianism: You have two cows. Vous avez deux vaches.
* Communism: You have two cows. Technically, everyone owns all the cows and everyone is equal. If you happen to be in charge of everyone and their cows, you own more of the cows than everyone else because you are more equal than they are.
* Democracy: You have two cows. They outvote you 2-1 to ban all meat and dairy products.
* Dictatorship: You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you.
* Dyslexia: You have two woks.
* Political Correctness: You are associated with (the concept of "ownership" is a symbol of the phallocentric, war-mongering, intolerant past) two differently-aged (but no less valuable to society) bovines of non-specified gender.
* Totalitarianism: You have two cows. The government takes them and denies they ever existed. Milk is banned.
and just in case you were wondering, I did go halloween trick-or-treating with a couple of friends, but only got around a bag. Later on I traded all of my candies for their chocolates and cheesies, and I watched 'Shawn of the Dead' at my friend's house.. it was a good movie, but I missed some of the movie because I didn't have enough time to stay over. It's one of those movies where the laughs aren't every few seconds, but are more smartly done (and with cool British accents).